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Online Camps:
Learn at Home
this Summer
Weekly Camps Led by TechKnowHow Instructors
Our online camps are fun and educational. Our enthusiastic teachers connect with your child and talk them through LEGO design and building challenges. Our coding camp instructors explain concepts and assist students to help your teen master coding. Our personalized instruction, award-winning curriculum, and online team-building activities will make this summer a fun and memorable one!

Select from either a 3-hour or 6-hour daily program. Our teacher interaction with campers is top in the industry, as the teachers are live and engaged with students throughout the class. That means a more personalized, teacher-led experience!
Most camps have 2 instructors for up to 20 students, and make use of breakout sessions when wanting smaller group instruction.
$200/wk. per camp
Half and Full-Day options
& Lots of Teacher Interaction
How it Works
1. Register for the desired camp, week, and time
(click here to see our program schedule)
2. You will receive an email with instructions on how and when to connect to a Zoom video camp session
3. Log into camp
4. Teachers will lead camp activities and projects with students
5. Students can share questions, comments, and their projects (if desired) throughout camp.
6. Teachers provide instruction, inspiration, and interaction

Sample Camp Schedule​
Hour 1: Intro, team-building, concept overview, teacher led-project work
10 min break
Hour 2: Continue project or start of a new project
10 min break
Hour 3: Project work, teacher reviews concepts, students share work/insights, team-building, preview of next day's projects, goodbyes

Parent Involvement
For classes with younger students, parents or older siblings will need to log-in the child. From that point, children will be able to follow teacher instructions online.
Parents are welcome to work with their child on projects, if desired!
TechKnowHow Online Summer Camps
TechKnowHow's online summer programs are a perfect home-based way to provide your child or teen with a summer filled with fun and learning!
Our camps are for all skill levels and students ages 5-16.
This summer, we're excited to have camps for LEGO builders, EV3 Robotics camps, and coding camps. Each week brings a new and interesting theme, along with our fabulous teachers leading the camps.
How to Sign Up
1. Click here to view available summer camp online sessions.
2. We'll notify you via email with instructions on how to access your online session.
3. Get excited! Your child will have fun learning, be inspired, and make friends, from home!

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